It was one of the best gig I've been too in a long, long time. Elbow came home to the Manchester Evening News arena... and blew the roof off.
I wouldn't have thought it possible. Not that Elbow aren't a great band, one of my favourites on the contemporary scene, but much of their music, especially on the current album Build A Rocket Boys has a sparse and intimate quality you wouldn't expect to fill an arena. Many of their songs feature minimal instrumentation and allow Guy Garvey's voice to carry the majority of the melody. And yet, Elbow didn't just fill the MEN... that cup runneth over.
Now officially crowned The Nicest Man In Rock, Guy Garvey continues to write heartwarming lyrical stories of home, friendship, family and love. He emphasized these qualities in his introductions, paying special attention to the hometown crowd... so that by the time the band played Station Approach (a song about returning home to Manchester's Piccadilly Station after too long away) even this proud Yorkshireman was feeling fit to call himself an honorary Manc. His lyrics continue to throw up those trademark sweetly sarcastic endearments ("I miss your stupid face, I miss your bad advice") that somehow contain more honesty and better illustrate the truth of love and romance than any number of "I'll climb any mountain" platitudes. He even confessed that the singalong chant title of new song With Love may well have been unconsciously inspired by the "In One!" call of referee Tony Green from the TV darts quiz show Bullseye.
If anyone doubt Elbow's position as one of the UK's most acclaimed rock bands, look no further than their current showstopper, Open Arms. Tears are welling even as I type the title...