Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Comic Review: Verity Fair #3

The latest issue of Terry Wiley's Verity Fair is another hugely entertaining slice of comedy and chaos in which Verity visits her psychiatrist to talk recurring nightmares, appears (twice) on Never Mind The Buzzcocks, shares curry with a cat and reminisces about a youthful romance with Billy Bragg (or is it?). It's just as crazy and funny and beautifully drawn as you'd expect from the wonderful Mr. Wiley and it's available now at all good comic shows... or by emailing Terry direct at verityfair@oglanut.org.uk, price £2 plus postage for a black & white copy (with colour cover), £4 plus postage for the full colour special edition.

Warning though: it may contain bottoms and swearies. Gosh, that's almost as bad as a comic featuring Too Much Sex & Violence!

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