Director: Oren Peli
Cast: Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat
MPAA: Rated R for language
US Gross: US$ 107.9 Million
Worldwide Gross: US$ 192.7 Million
A surprisingly good independent horror movie that was only costed US$ 15,000 to produce, but resulting in US$ 192.7 Million worldwide. It is the most profitable movie in 2009. The story is simple, about a young couple, Katie and Micah (whose names are also used for the main characters), moving into a new house and find out that they are haunted by demonic spirits.
At the beginning, the disturbances are in form of some noises at night that awakes them. But as more strange things start to happen and Katie shares her secret that she has been followed by some kind of spirits since her childhood, Micah decides to set a video camera to record their bedroom while they are sleeping, with hopes to catch some spirit activities on tape. When the disturbances become more and more intense each day, and the spirits start to manifest themself into violence towards Katie, they call a paranormal specialist for help. The paranormal senses a very strong evil power in their house but he cannot help them. It is also no use for them to move out from the house, because no matter where they go, the spirits will follow them. So, Katie and Micah are on their own to face the frightening spirits that won't leave them alone.
I watch this movie with a preparation of not liking it, because it is shot in hand-held camera that has a potential of making people feel dizzy, and the premise is also similar with some reality TV ghost stories, that I usually never care to watch. But as I watch this movie, I found out that I like it very much. And it didn't make me feel dizzy. The story is cleverly written and directed, both by Oren Peli, it keeps you interested and chilling. It is creepy and scary enough, even though most of it terrors you psychologically. The still-shootings of their bedroom at night will make you hold your breath as you watch every corner of the room, not to miss anything that could possibly shock you.
My praise also goes to the two leads, both are unnamed actors but they give good and believable acting. Their actings are so natural that you will think you are watching two real persons with their real problems on screen. Their character also are not annoying. Katie has a screen likeability that makes her nice to watch. When she is suffering, we can easily feel pity for her.
This is a simple movie with a big impact, which will make us remember it for a long time. If you like good scares, then this is perfect for you. And the very end of this movie will surely make you jump on your seat. (MJ)