Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

JULIE & JULIA (2009)

MyRating: YYYYY

Director: Nora Ephron
Cast: Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci, Chris Messina
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for brief strong language and some sensuality

US Gross: US$ 94.1 Million
Worldwide Gross: US$ 129.5 Million

This is one of my most favorite movies in 2009. A very charming story about two women, living in a different timeline but share the same passion, FOOD.

Julia Child (Streep) is a legendary American chef, who introduced French cuisine and cooking techniques to the American people thru her famous cookbooks and her popular television programs. The story starts when Julia doesn't even know how to cook, while she and her husband live in Paris, the place where her husband works. She takes any kinds of classes to kill her spare time before she falls in love with cooking in her cooking classes. It suits her fine because she just loves to eat. There, Julia finds her destiny to become a chef, even though it is not an easy road for her, because the world of cooking is a world actually dominated my men. But she is determined, until her breakthrough cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, is published and becomes best-seller. And a legend is born.

In another lifetime, 40 years after Julia Child's book was being published, Julie Powell (Adams), a struggling working middle-class wife, who loves to write but her novel is never published, thinks that she should challenge herself with something in order to make her life meaningful. Since she and her husband loves to watch the old Julia's tv cooking programs, Julie gets an idea to cook all the French-cuisine recipes written in Julia's cookbook within one year, and write a blog about it in the process, so that other people can become her witness. There, Julie starts her attempt to cook all the 524 recipes in 365 days in her tiny apartment kitchen. And it is becoming a long journey that not only challenges her phisically, but also emotionally.

The movie, adapted from the two bestselling memoirs of Julia Child & Julie Powell, screenplay written by Nora Ephron, is a delightful and a heart-warming film, beautifully directed also by Ephron, and excellently performed by the two leading ladies.

Meryl Streep gives her (another) brilliant performance as Julia Child, a joyful, strong-will and sympathetic woman. Her acting, gestures and accent are superb, and her appearances are so overwhelming and rejoicing the screen. Every time she appears on screen, she will make you smile widely, both at lips and at heart, and you will admire how great she is. The way she loves her calm and supportive husband, solidly played by Stanley Tucci, no matter what situations they are in, is just so touching and shall give a great inspiration to all women around the world. I think she gave the performance of the year.

Amy Adams, on the other hand, also gives an impressive performance as a stubborn but vulnerable Julie Powell. She is so lovable in this movie and you will easily fall in love with her. Her dynamic emotions thru out the movie, happy & sad, playful & angry, laughing & crying, and her breakdowns, are all being played very well. You will feel happy or sympathy for her in all those moments. Her chemistry with Chris Messina, as a thoughtful and understanding husband, is also very sweet and enjoyable to watch. Adams is such a beautiful and good actress, I just love her so much.

This is a movie that you will enjoy not only for its great story, but also for its wonderful actings and memorable characters. And if you happened to eat in a French restaurant, this should be a complete fine dish to eat, cooked and served by a professional chef. So, bon appetit. (MJ)

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