Senin, 26 September 2011

The Mixtape Lives On... the name of my new music blog which launches today. I've been writing about music here on Sunset Over Slawit since the very second post but lately those posts have become longer and longer and taken up a much bigger part of the blog than is healthy. Things like my musically themed Top Tens and the What I'm Listening To posts take ages to write and are probably of limited interest to many regular SOS readers. So I decided to set up a blog where I can write about music to my heart's content. Hopefully this will give me the outlet I want but also take up a little less of my time. I'm only allowing myself to write about one song per post... not ten!

There will be new music. There will be old music. There will be cracking cover versions and free downloads. There will be songs linked by a theme, starting with Songs About Mixtapes. When I've got enough of them, I'll compile a Top Ten here, but if you pop over to The Mixtape Lives On, you'll get to vote on that beforehand.

I'd love it if you'd join me, bookmark me, give me a plug or a link, or add me to your blogroll (particularly if you're a music blogger yourself). If music's not your thing, rest assured Sunset Over Slawit will continue to bring you all the other rubbish from my life. And if you only want the music, now I've filtered that out for you.

How can writing two blogs take less time than writing one? Stick around, I intend to show you...

Sunset Over Slawit

The Mixtape Lives On

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