Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


So, 40 might yet be the beginning of my life... but it was the end of my computer's. Last Friday I went to turn it on... and nothing. The motherboard was kaput. A nice local computer-fixing man gave it the burial it deserved and managed to salvage the hard drives and locate them in a new home for a very reasonable price (considering my current lack of funds). So I'm back up and running... just. (I won't mention the Cartman-like Tantrum I had when I thought the new pc didn't work either... turns out I'd plugged the monitor cable into the wrong socket.)

While mourning the pc, I rediscovered the outside world, walked in the sunshine, lived my life without constantly thinking "I'll just pop on the computer for 5 minutes when I get home" and remembered fondly the days before this bloody box ruled my life. But it's back now... and I'm saved having to live without it for one second longer. Because the world is scary without it. How did I ever live before it?

In other news, those robbing b@stards at the Royal Mail are putting up the price of a First Class stamp by 14p. Thanks, guys, that'll really help my already-desperate attempts to supplement my non-existent income via eBay... and will probably mean I'll have to raise the price of Too Much Sex & Violence to nearer £3, giving readers even more reasons not to buy it.

Still, at least the sun's out...

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