...because one day I might look back on this blog as a record of the significant events in my life. Where was I when I turned 40?
Well, the day began in the JobCentre+. Sadly, my signing-on day fell on my birthday. I got there nice and early so as to get it out of the way and get on with my big day.
"Sorry, mate," said the bloke on the door, "you can't go in till 10 minutes before your signing on time."
"You've let me in 15 minutes before my signing on time in the past."
"Are you arguing with a jumped-up jobsworth? Wait another ten minutes."
The first question I'm normally asked during my signing on sessions is my date of birth, as proof of my identity. (As if anyone else would want to sign on in my place - it's not as though I even get Jobseeker's Allowance any more. I only sign on so they'll pay my NI.) I was therefore ready for a bit of banter about my special day and how lovely it was to be starting it amid the disenfranchised. Typically, today was the day I got - rather than a polite chat about my job-seeking activity followed by a swift signature and home - the Spanish flippin' Inquisition. No time for pleasantries. Still, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Not even on their 40th birthday.
The rest of the day was much more enjoyable, although plans for lunch with family at my mate's restaurant were altered slightly when my Mum & Dad had to drop out. Unfortunately my mum had a bad fall yesterday and has cracked a rib. She seems pretty chipper, but I hope she'll be OK, and the fall won't damage her independent spirit.
The lunch itself was good - though I did eat far too much. The world's biggest burger. Tasty, but I suffered afterwards. Still, I can't overindulge on the drink anymore, so food's my fallback option.
Then back home for a nap - hey, I'm an old man now... napping is the future. Plus, I did only get about three hours sleep last night. Worrying about the big 4-0? Maybe. But what's the point in that?
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
I also received Happy Birthday emails from Saint Etienne, Keane (!?) and Bon Jovi. Which was nice of them. Thanks to all the real people who sent good wishes too.