Director: Kirk Jones
Cast: Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale, Sam Rockwell
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for thematic elements and brief strong language
US Gross: US$ 9.2 Million
Worldwide Gross: US$ 13.9 Million
Imagine when you were old some day, all your children have moved out and have their own families, and you have just lost the person you love the most, your spouse, forever. In your loneliness, you plan a family gathering with all your children, just to make sure that everybody's fine. But... none of them come and bother to meet you, because they are all busy with their own lives. How would you feel? Frank Goode (De Niro), a sick, retired factory worker and a widower who has just lost his wife, plans a reunion with his four children at his house. He prepares everything to welcome them, from a new barbeque grill until good wines, because he just misses them after their mother burial eight months before. Sadly, none of them show-up.
Frank is a typical of discipline and critical father who pushed his children hard enough in order to see them success in the future. While his wife was a glue in their family, who attach all of them together, Frank is more of a distant father figure. But he is proud to see all of his children doing fine and having good lives as adults, Rosie (Barrymore) is a professional dancer in Las Vegas, Amy (Beckinsale) is a successful advertising executive in Chicago, Robert (Rockwell) is a classical music orchestra conductor in Denver, and David is a painting artist in New York who lives his dream. They didn't show-up not because they hate him, but because they all have other more important things to do in their lives.
Pushing away his sadness and disappointment, Frank decides to visit each of his children himself and give them a surprise, even though his doctor has urged him not to take a long journey due to his bad heart disease. So, he starts his journey to meet each of his children, from New York to Chicago, then Denver and Las Vegas. Unplanned, what he finds out is that his children's lives are not as perfect as what he imagines. As a father, he can sense the problems that they have, even though in front of him, they act that everything's fine. There, Frank realizes that not only he should stand for them, but also he should become the glue that his wife used to be, to stick his family back together again, no matter how they are in their lives.
Robert De Niro is great as the respectful but sympathetic father, who tries his best to show his affections to all his children. He gave an honest and heartfelt performance that will drive our emotions with him, even though only by seeing the expressions in his face. Such a great actor. The other casts as his daughters and son are stellar.
This is a very touching story, sometimes sad, but also gives hopes. Loved the story and the performances. Not a box office success, but definitely a good movie. (MJ)