Kamis, 15 April 2010

UP IN THE AIR (2009)

MyRating: YYYY

Director: Jason Reitman
Cast: George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, Jason Bateman
MPAA: Rated R for language and some sexual content

US Gross: US$ 83.8 Million
Worldwide Gross: US$ 162.9 Million

Ryan Bingham (Clooney) builds his career on other people's downfalls. Not because he likes to see people suffer, but it is his job as a corporate downsizing expert, in which to fire people from their jobs when their own employers are not daring and gentle enough to tell them. It is a good business and Ryan is very compassionate with his job, besides his another profession as a motivational speaker. He loves to fly around the country, with a suitcase in his hand, 320 days a year (and spends the remaining days of the year miserably at home, as he said). His goal is to reach the 10 million frequent flyer miles, which will also become the mark of his successful career.

When his boss (Bateman) hires Natalie Keener (Kendrick), a young and ambitious woman, but naive, who develops and suggests the company to change their way of doing business by applying a method of firing people through remote video conferencing, thus will reduce the huge company's flight expenses, Ryan senses that this may be the end of his conventional and reputable way of doing his job. So when his boss asks Natalie to accompany Ryan on one of his trip in order to learn the business, he knows that this is the time to show the girl that her method is not applicable, as what they face are not merely people made of wood at the other end of the computer, but they are human beings with hearts and lives and families. That trip not only changes the way they know about each other, but also starts to change Natalie's believe and Ryan's perspective about his own way of life.

Aside from his work, Ryan does not have much personal life because he doesn't like to be tied up into a relationship. The only person that seems to change his mind is Alex Goran (Farmiga), a business woman and also a frequent flyer, whom he frequently meets between his trips and flights. A woman with the same lifestyle like he does. As their relationship grows stronger, Ryan realizes that this woman may be his final stop.

George Clooney is (always) great, as he gives a solid and precise portray of Ryan Bingham's character. This selective actor seems to always play each of his character with ease, but the results are of high quality and fun to watch. Not only he has a charming smile, but also charming performances. Vera Farmiga also shows a strong characterization as a business woman with her free lifestyle and Anna Kendrick is good in her naive role.

This is a moving story about life and its reality. It's nice to know someone with a profession like Ryan Bingham, but of course you do not want to find yourself sit with him across the table. It's just interesting to see how he passionately loves his work and flying, and how an achievement and satisfaction of a person can be measured by how far by miles he has flied. But that's Ryan Bingham. And to know him, you have to fly with him. (MJ)

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