Happy New Meme! Stolen, as these things usually are, from Sunday Stealing.
1. Song that always makes you sad?
I've mentioned this many times before, but it never fails to bring a tear to my eye.
2. Last thing you bought?
The "new" single from the reborn Ultrasound.
3. Last person you argued with?
Probably Louise. I'm sure I was in the wrong.
4. Do you put butter on before putting peanut butter on?
No, I stop at the butter. Peanut butter is the work of the devil.
5. One of your stuffed animals’ names as a kid?
Huggy Bear.
6. Did you ever at one time own a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Still do.
7. Favourite day of the week?
Saturday looks good to me.
8. Favourite sundae topping?
I'm pretty happy with just the ice cream, but I like a splash of raspberry vinegar on my 99.
9. Did you take piano lessons?
Yes. For about ten years. Can I play the piano? Sadly, not.
10. Most frequent song played?
Impossible to answer. At the moment, I'm rather taken by Vermillion by Guillemots.
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
Deal Or No Deal. At one point I watched it every day. I'm on the wagon now though, I haven't touched a drop in 4 or 5 years, and I'm staying away from the boxes.
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?
I'd like a hockey stick for everyday use.
13. Date someone older or younger?
Louise is my younger woman.
14. One place you could travel right now?
Anywhere warm, quiet and green.
15. Do you use umbrellas?
No. I'm a hard northerner.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
17. Favourite cheese?
Can't beat a nice bit of Cheddar.
18. The Smiths or The Cure?
Sorry, Bob.
19. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
Gentlemen Prefer Brunettes.
20. Best job you ever had?
All the ones that never paid me any money. As soon as you start earning money for a job, you know it's gonna be a pain in the arse.