Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Everyone Loves A Nice Crisp Biscuit...

My old pal and comic collaborator Rob Wells has recently put out another excellent collection of humour strips from his Crisp Biscuit Blog. Included in this issue...

The Green C**k Ring's Final Crisis!

The True Story of Christmas!

The return of Jack Bowser in Twenty-Bore!

Whatever Happened To The TV Stars of Our Youth?

Halloween at Rob's house.

Michael J. Fox IS Stuart Little.

And some X-Factor spoofs I don't really get (being that I hate The X-Factor) but I'm led to believe are very funny if you did watch it.

All this for just £2.50 - a bargain at twice the price!

To pick up a copy, along with Crisp Biscuit #1 and the new full-colour edition of Colin Comix (featuring more Jack Bowser AND Cecelia Doom!), get on over to the Crisp Biscuit Shop now. Tell him I sent you.

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