My old pal and comic collaborator Rob Wells has recently put out another excellent collection of humour strips from his Crisp Biscuit Blog. Included in this issue...
The Green C**k Ring's Final Crisis!
The True Story of Christmas!
The return of Jack Bowser in Twenty-Bore!
Whatever Happened To The TV Stars of Our Youth?
Halloween at Rob's house.
Michael J. Fox IS Stuart Little.
And some X-Factor spoofs I don't really get (being that I hate The X-Factor) but I'm led to believe are very funny if you did watch it.
All this for just £2.50 - a bargain at twice the price!
To pick up a copy, along with Crisp Biscuit #1 and the new full-colour edition of Colin Comix (featuring more Jack Bowser AND Cecelia Doom!), get on over to the Crisp Biscuit Shop now. Tell him I sent you.