Last night, I dreamt my mum told me that radio and TV presenter Zoe Ball was 80 years old. "Don't be silly," I replied, but she insisted. She'd heard it on the radio so it must be true.
"But, Mum," I told her, "Zoe Ball's married to Fatboy Slim. He was a teenager when he was in the Housemartins - so he's probably just a few years older than me. Why would he be married to an 80 year old woman?"
"What's wrong with 80 year old women?" asked my mum. (She's 83.)
So I went off to investigate... but nowhere online could I find anything to confirm Zoe's real age. However, during my search I did discover that her dad, my childhood TV hero Johnny 'Think of a Number' Ball, was now 116 years old... which led me to believe there may be some truth to my mum's story.
In fact, so convinced was I of the veracity of this dream that I had to google Zoe Ball when I woke up, just to double-check. Turns out she's 41. Which is good, because I'd have been most upset if she'd been younger than me.
Anyway, enough of my dreams. I'm off back to the BBC website to watch Tony Blair accused of war crimes again. Video of the day!