Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Where I'm At

It's been a busy week here at SOS towers, so apart from the keeping-the-wolf-from-the-door opportunism of my previous post (apologies to those of you wondering why I broke off my musical journey into space for an entirely unrelated Top Ten... but I had to find some way to afford the Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 2) things have been rather quiet on the blogging front.

That's not to say I've not been writing blog posts. I've actually been employed to write them for my University (where I'm currently studying my PGCE). There's not a whole lot of money in it and I'm only writing one post a week, but every little helps... as I believe one of our Evil Corporate Overloads has it. My Uni Blog is probably of very little interest to anyone reading this (hell, Sunset Over Slawit is probably of very little interest to anyone reading this), but should you have a spare five minutes, you can always click here.

Meanwhile, for those of you wondering why I haven't posted my review of The Avengers (not "Marvel Avengers Assemble" - an idiotic title made created by idiots who believe even bigger idiots might confuse it with Patrick MacNee and Honor Blackman), the truth is I need to see it again first. Or rather, I need to see it properly first. Because, through an unfortunate series of circumstances entirely beyond my control, I ended up watching it the first time in 3D. Yes, I knew that would be a mistake, but I thought I'd be able to ignore the stupid fx and just enjoy the film. Unfortunately, this wasn't to be, and I spent the entire time feeling twice removed from the film, constantly aware that I was watching something and struggling so much to focus on the dark and blurry (i.e. 3D) images that I was unable to immerse myself in the story or even follow the dialogue. So my review of the film - at this point - would be far more negative than expected. I'm hoping that will change once I've seen it the way God intended us to watch movies... because what I could make out through the unfocussed murk looked like it had a fair bit of potential. Just not in 3D.

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