Director: Clint Eastwood
Cast: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Adjoa Andoh, Tony Kgoroge, Julian Lewis Jones, Patrick Mofokeng, Matt Stern, Marguerite Wheatley
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for brief strong language
US Gross: US$ 37.5 Million
Worldwide Gross: US$ 122.2 Million
Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon were magnificent in this inspiring and beautiful movie about the true story of Nelson Mandela in his early years as the President of South Africa and how he used rugby to unite his nation in the event of 1995 Rugby World Cup. The story was adapted from the book written by John Carlin titled Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed a Nation.
It always amazed me how this great and noble man, Nelson Mandela, who served 27 years in prison with a charge of treason by the Apartheid regime of South Africa in 1962, could have a heart full of gold and forgiveness when he became the President himself in 1994 at the age of 75, after winning the South Africa's first multi-racial elections as the country's first black President. Mandela, who is also known as Madiba in his country, ruled as the President from 1994 to 1999. He decided to retired in 1999 and not run for the second term. During his presidency, not only he forgave the regime who put him in a tiny jail for many golden years of his life, but also he united his nation by pioneering the reconciliation between the black and white South Africans, who have a long history of hostility towards each other. For his advocacy of national and international reconciliation, Mandela won the international respects. And over four decades, he has received more than 250 awards for his contribution to the world peace, freedom and humanitarian efforts. The most notably one was the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.
Nelson Mandela (Freeman) knew that his country, which has just passed a political and economic turmoil, needs something to be proud of, that can lift up his people's pride as a nation as well as unite them together. And he sees a chance to do it through rugby, a sport that he and his countrymen love, since South Africa is hosting the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Mandela gives his big support behind the national rugby team, the Springboks, a team which was considered as the team of white South Africans and did not get the supports from the majority black South Africans. Not only that, the Springboks is also considered as an underdog as the team has not performed well for years and did not made any significant world-rank. But Mandela believes in his dream. He approaches and inspires the captain of the team, Francois Pienaar (Damon), to make his team achieve a goal that seems unrealistic, which is to win the World Cup for his country. And they both know, only through hardwork, self believe and determination, that big dream could be reach.
Clint Eastwood has proved himself once again that he is brilliant in directing a high quality drama, but at the same time a movie that is enjoyable to watch. The story flowed smoothly as we enjoy every part of it. The characters were interesting, as well as the dialogs. And the rugby games were very well-crafted, as if we were watching the real World Cup and the actors were the real professional players.
Morgan Freeman gave an excellent performance as Mandela. Not only he succeeded in personified his character, but also he lived the character. Watching his very nature acting, we will nod our heads with admiration for this great senior actor. And by seeing him as Mandela, how he trully cared for other people and always leading by example, you will definitely fall in love with Nelson Mandela, even if you don't know who Nelson Mandela is. Matt Damon also showed a very solid acting as the rugby team captain, that could match the wonderful acting of Morgan Freeman. And every scene they both appeared together was just exciting to watch, with their interesting dialogs. It was very well worthed as they got the nominations for the Oscar's Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.
This is a great movie with a touching and heartfelt story, and the knock-out performances by the actors. It's a pity to be missed. (MJ)