Director: Jon Favreau
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jon Favreau
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence, and some language
The world has known that the eccentric billionaire Tony Stark is the Iron Man, as he has played an important role in enhancing the world peace. But as his popularity grows, something inside is slowly killing him. The palladium in the arc reactor that used to keep his heart beating has poisoned his body. And the more he wears the Iron Man armor, the quicker the toxic will spread throughout his whole system. On the other side, the US government also does not seem to really appreciate what he has done and demands him to surrender his Iron Man armor technology to the US military, the thing Stark distinctly refuses.
Under the huge pressure and knowing that his end maybe near, Stark appoints his personal assistant and his lover, Pepper Potts (Paltrow) to become the CEO of Stark Industries and appoints a new personal assistant, a beautiful, hot, but mysterious Natalie Rushman (Johanssen) to replace Pepper, while he tries to find a substitute element for his palladium.
But things are not going to be easy for him, as a mad man, Ivan Vanko (Rourke), a Russian criminal scientist who has a hatred family history towards Stark family, is on the loose and try to kill him. Ivan has created a powerful arc reactor of his own which can electrified whips in his both hands (Whiplash). To make things worse, Stark's business rival who envies him, Justin Hammer (Rockwell), tries his best with any nasty ways to win the business competition by bringing Stark down. And Stark's own best friend, Lt. Col. James Rhodes (Cheadle) is watching him closely by the order of US military, as Stark starts to lose control of his attitudes. If necessary, James will hand over the Iron Man armor to the military by himself. So, Tony Stark has to defend himself, wear the Iron Man suit and defeat the enemies before they, or the toxic in him, kill him.
Robert Downey Jr. is great as Tony Stark with his fun and solid character, as he has shown in the first movie. Actually he is Tony Stark (cannot imagine anyone else who could play the role better than him, since his image has already stuck with us). Mickey Rourke is also great as the villain (a brawn as well as a brain villain). He always has that great villain charisma in him, which is reflected by his face. Don Cheadle really has a greater role here, including wearing War Machine's suit, flying around and doing a lot of actions. Unfortunately Mr. Howard, but I definitely like Cheadle more than Terrence Howard.
Scarlett Johansson is the new character that I like the most. She did very well as the Black Widow and her character is far more interesting than Gwyneth Paltrow's. Indeed, she rocks! The scene that excited me the most in this movie was when Scarlett kick-ass, when she has to fight a team of security guys near the end of the movie. She was really cool there with her heart-pumping actions, as I punched my fist and yell, "Yes, kick them all!". Sam Rockwell is also pretty good as the cunning Justin Hammer. While Jon Favreau (also the director) as Happy Hogan, Stark's bodyguard, gave some good humors that cheers up the screen with his apperance. And Samuel L. Jackson appears as Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. espionage agency.
The story was quite good. Slow start at the beginning, the movie begins to grasp our attention when Whiplash appears in the racing circuit where Tony Stark takes part in the race, then a bit static in the middle as the story progresses, but closed with interesting actions at the end. Not too many actions as expected, but once it started, it did has some cool stuffs with fancy special effects, including the fights between Iron Man & Whiplash and between Iron Man & War Machine. But the ending was a bit too soon.
I think this is a good follow up from the first Iron Man, if cannot be said as great. But it did entertain. Definitely do not mind for more. (MJ)