Stolen from Samurai Frog as usual...
Pick five of your favourite shows, in no particular order, before you read the questions below, then answer them!
1. Moonlighting
2. NYPD Blue
3. Lost
4. The X-Files
5. The West Wing
(And yes, I chose at least two of these shows just to piss off Kelvin. Well no, I didn't really, but I'm sure it will anyway.)
01. Who's your favorite character in 2?
Andy Sipowicz, obviously.
02. Who's your least favorite character in 1?
Herbert Viola. (Sorry, Dave.)
03. What's your favorite episode of 4?
Tough... the one that sticks in my head is Tooms. It sets the template for the Monster Of The Week episodes. Mythology-wise, I'd probably say Duane Barry.
04. What's your favorite season of 5?
Much as I enjoyed the show post-Sorkin, particularly the battle between Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda, it was never quite the same when the creator left. And considering the almighty 'get out of that!' crescendo of his final season, I'd have to pick that - season four.
05. Who is your favorite ship in 3?
I've had to google this. Apparently, in young person meme speak, ship (or 'ship) is short for relationship.
I'd probably say Sawyer and Hurley, except they don't seem to have had much time together lately. It's all Sawyer and Miles nowadays, isn't it? Sawyer and somebody, though preferably not Kate.
06. Who is your anti-ship in 2?
Anti-ship? Now you're really starting to confuse / bug me with your hep yoof lingo. But I've lucked out here, since just about every relationship Andy has is an anti-ship. Andy & Lt. Fancy would be the obvious choice.
07. How long have you watched 1?
I watched it from the very first episode, right through to the end. And I still miss it, even though the last couple of seasons were well past their best.
08. How did you become interested in 3?
Again, I watched it from the debut, and was hooked from the off.
09. Who's your favorite actor/actress in 4?
Duchovny. With Anderson a close second.
10. Which do you prefer: Show 1, 2 or 5?
If I had to pick, 2.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Lost has now had twice as many episodes, so its the winner by default.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Mulder, naturally. Though I'd more likely be Skinner.
13. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1?
Why would I want to kill off David Addison? He's my hero!
14. Give a random quote from 1.
The bad guy catches David spying on him from a window ledge...
"What the hell are you doing out there?"
"Me? I'm committing suicide."
"From the second floor?"
"I took poison."
15. Which character from 5 would be a good guest star on 2?
Well, Bradley Whitford had a recurring role as an annoying reporter in NYPD Blue's early days, and Richard Schiff popped up on the show twice... and it'd be interesting to see Bobby Simone taker on Matthew Santos... but I'd love to see Andy Sipowicz go head to head with Jed Bartlett (you just know Andy wouldn't appreciate Bartlett's liberal policies).
16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Obviously. Mulder would solve the mystery of the island in one episode. Only nobody would believe him.
17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
David Addison and Maddie Hayes.
18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?
Sorkin's writing has been an inspiration. As to the show itself, it'd be nice to think that an administration as benevolent as Bartlett's might one day find its way to power... but really, that's more of a fantasy than anything we ever saw in The X-Files.

19. Overall, which show has the better cast, 2 or 4?
I'd edge towards 2 on the basis that at its best, Denis Franz leads a powerful ensemble. But then I'd be reminded of David Caruso's ego and little Ricky Schroeder...
20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5?
The West Wing. Lost is just a swirl.