Director: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloe Grace Moretz, Mark Strong, Nicolas Cage
MPAA: Rated R for strong brutal violence throughout, pervasive language, sexual content, nudity and some drug use - some involving children
Dave Lizewski (Johnson) is a typical geek at school, who is unpopular, especially among girls. He has only two best friends, who share the love for comic books, but they always become the target of the bullies. He also witnesses many crimes happened in his environment almost everyday, but nobody seems to dare and care to help the victims. One day, fed up with all the unjust happened in his society, Dave decides that he has to stand up as a superhero to fix his world. He orders a green superhero costume, equipped himself with two long sticks and named himself Kick-Ass.
Dave soon gets his chance when he has to save a man being beaten unfairly by a bunch of guys. And while he is fighting them all he can like crazy, even though he is the one who gets the most beaten and ass-kicked, his action is being recorded by the people in the scene, and then being broadcasted in the internet. The video becomes a very big hit, as millions of access hit the web to see his video. And Kick-Ass suddenly becomes very famous.
But Kick-Ass is not the only superhero in town, as there are real superheroes, the father and the daughter, Big Daddy (Cage) and Hit-Girl (Moretz), who terror and kill the criminal gang members of Frank D’Amico (Strong), a drug dealer's mob boss. And it is just time before they reach the boss himself. Feeling threatened, D'Amico makes his son (Mintz-Plasse) a superhero in disguise, named Red Mist. The purpose is to befriend with Kick-Ass, who will become the key to know the real identities of Big Daddy and Hit-Girl. And Kick-Ass never realizes that it is a trap until he is trapped.
This is a fun superhero movie with an unpopular superhero figure (except if you know and read its comic book, which was firstly published in 2008 by Marvel Comics under the company's Icon Comics imprint). At a glance, this movie looks like a spoof of superhero movies. But, the actions are no spoof. It is exciting with full brutal violence, where you can see bodies being stabbed, shot and chopped, and bloods splashing everywhere. This is also no kind-hearted Disney's movies, where the villains usually end up crying being catched by the cops. This is a movie, where if you are the bad guy, then you will end up 99.99% dead. No! You will be stabbed, shot, chopped, and then dead!
Chloe Grace Moretz, a thirteen year-old young actress, gave a very good performance and stole the whole show as Hit-Girl. She was adorably fierce, since she killed the most people as compare to any other characters in this movie. Without this character (or maybe without Chloe playing this character), we might possibly have a totally different feeling about the movie. Nicolas Cage played his usual Nicolas Cage thing (the way he talked seems to be almost the same in every movie). While Mark Strong was good as the villain. He is the trademark of villain characters now, as he has played as so many villains in the recent years (including in Sherlock Holmes and Robin Hood).
Parents! Don't get too excited when seeing the awesome poster with cute superheroes in colorful costumes in front, because due to its very brutal violence, sexual related contents and bad languages, this is definitely a no movie for children. (MJ)