Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

I Wish, Wish, Wish You Were Dead, Dead, Dead

No, not you.

That's just the title of my latest novel, which I finally hit 'print' on this morning. It's taken me 4 years, on and off, and it's changed quite a lot from my original intentions, but after much rewriting it's finally completed. There will, I'm sure, be further minor redrafts to make, once I've persuaded a couple of people to read it (oh, the horror of asking that favour!) but the story has finally been told to my satisfaction. Or, at least as much satisfaction as any self-critical milksops can ever achieve from any piece of writing.

Come the New Year then, I'll be moving on to new projects. I think I'll try another sitcom. After all, my last few attempts have been greeted with much applause... by everybody but the people with the power. And you'll be glad to hear that my latest idea is even more misanthropic, downbeat and bleakly humourless than anything I've ever written. So I'm sure that'll go down like a bomb.

In the meantime I've got a few more short stories to write (I'll have a new Friday Flash for you tomorrow) and some more comic scripts for artists who won't want to draw them. On that matter though, a tiny whiff of good news, PJANG #5 is now printed and winging its way back to me via the magic of delivery men. Which means I might get the first copies out before Christmas. Nigel's cover (well, one of them*) is below. More details to follow...

(*I already previewed the other PJANG #5 cover here.)

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