Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

It's Clichéd To Be Cynical At Christmas

I wanted to write you something special for Christmas.

Perhaps a #fridayflash story about a political party who wanted to ban the season of good will because it merely encouraged people to demonstrate bad will through the rest of the year. And about the serial killer determined to stop their nefarious schemes because Christmas was the only time off he gets.

Perhaps a comic strip pitting the Punisher against a Terminator-esque rogue Santa Claus gone evil. (Oh wait, I actually did write that.)

Perhaps some poorly veiled excuse to plug PJANG #5 again to the three of you who haven't yet bought a copy...

Perhaps a list of bleakly humorous festive tunes, like A Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis...

But then I read Steve's hugely touching Christmas post and I thought... you know what...?

It really is clichéd to be cynical at Christmas.

And I hate to be a cliché on top of all my other many flaws.

And so, to everyone still reading this saggy old, baggy old blogpuss of mine... have a very happy one.

I'll be back next week with my favourite things of 2010. A whole week of lists! Yipee!

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