Looking around for something to write about on a tepid Tuesday, I found this old meme in my half-written drafts pile. I have no idea where I stole it from, but it's a while since I did one of these, so...
1. What is your favorite Mexican dish?
Louise makes delicious chicken fajitas. We had them Saturday night. Yum.
2. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate?
I tried to get it out of the way as soon as possible so I could get on with reading comics, writing stories, and listening to records... you know, the important stuff.
3. What is your favorite store for home furnishings?
I don't have one, but this is as good a place as any to say that I hate Ikea. The only good thing about Ikea was the meatballs, but even the Ikea cafe has gone down the pan. I remember the days when you could get 10 meatballs for a quid. And they had mayonnaise sachets to go with the chips. And lingonberry juice. All distant memories now.
4. When you were young, did you like school lunches?
Some. I liked sausage, beans and chips day. I could go for a plate of school sausage, beans and chips right now. Fish and chip day was ruined by mushy peas though - and the Nazi dinner ladies who forced me to eat them and scarred me for life in the process.
5. Is religion a crutch?
If I was lame, would religion help me walk? No. Not even if I took a trip to Lourdes.
As I've said before, I'm not an atheist. I'm an agnostic. I'm Mulder. I want to believe... in something.
If that's a crutch... so be it. Whatever gets you through the night.
6. In your region, what is the “big” high school sport?
7. Do you consider yourself rich?
But I don't exactly consider myself poor either.
Things could be better... they could also be a whole lot worse.
8. Which of these would you have the best chance administering:
B) Heimlich Maneuver
C) Changing a flat tire
The flat. Although if I could get away with driving it to a garage and having someone else do it, I would.
I have had first aid training, but it's a looong time ago, and I'd likely do more harm than good.
9. Which dance would you prefer to learn & why:
A) Salsa
B) Hip Hop
C) Waltz
D) Swing
Swing and salsa would probably be too much for my back and I'd just look tragic trying to hip hop... so I'd have to say waltz, darling.
10. What’s the worst news you’ve ever delivered to someone?
You got that job in our department. You can start Monday.
11. Name something you learned in college that had nothing to do with classes or academics.
The cool kids don't want to play with you... thank god.
12. New variation on an old question: If there’s a song in your head that just won’t get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) line in that song?
For some reason, this particular song keeps running through my head lately. It's incredibly un-pc, and there's little chance of it ever getting played on the radio, so I don't know where it's come from or which ugly, sexist bit of my subconscious keeps chucking it up... What can I say, I'm obviously disturbed.