Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Stray Bullets & Spandex

I reckon the above would make a pretty good title for a comic (perhaps not as good as Too Much Sex & Violence - but hey, that one's taken). As it happens though, this isn't the title of one great comic... it's the title of two. From two of my favourite small press creators...

Andrew Cheverton and Tim Keable's tragic Western hero Jerusalem West returns in Stray Bullets, an anthology of short strips that take place at various points throughout the character's history... from his early life as a lovestruck teenager through to the grizzled old gunfighting legend he later becomes... and even beyond. There is action, horror, comedy and romance - it's the most diverse West book yet, showcasing the full potential of the character Chev and Tim have created. Guest art is supplied by a who's who of small press talent, including our old mucker Paul Rainey who gives very good sea monster. West remains the best Western comic I've ever read.

Stray Bullets: A West Anthology is available to buy here for a hugely reasonable £3.50. Fill your hands, you sons of a bitch.

Every time I review a new edition of Martin Eden's multi-coloured gay superheroes romp Spandex, I say "this is the best issue yet". Well, damn it if he hasn't gone and done it again! I've been reading Martin's comics for many a year now and one thing that's always impressed me is his ability to mix balls-to-the-wall superhero action with shamelessly soapy character drama. Spandex #4 is a masterclass in doing just this - and frankly, there's a hell of a lot of pro-comics creators who should read this book as a 'How To' manual. It's funny, it's sexy, it's exciting, it's scary - it's full of unexpected twists and nicely observed character moments. Seriously, what else do you want from your comics... blood? Well, guess what, you get that too.

Spandex #4 - the gloves are off... along with pretty much all the rest of the clothes. "Suggested for mature readers" it says on the cover. "Essential for discerning readers," I'd add. Find out more about Spandex here.

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