Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

If I'd murdered the boss who gave me my first job in radio back in 1988, I reckon I'd have been out of prison long before this. As it is, I feel like I've done the time without doing the crime.

But now I've finally been released, and not just for good behaviour. I'm free as a bird, and I'm never going back. It's forward all the way now. Even the sun has come out to congratulate me. And what better way to celebrate my new lease of life but by seeing my old pal Morrissey, live, tonight. Ironically, the gig's in Bradford... but I'm seeing it as my grand farewell to that inland town they forgot to bomb.

Thanks for all the well-wishy stuff. I promise I won't let the positivity poison this blog too much, we'll be back to the cynicism and grumbling very soon... after all, I've still got that Green Lantern review to write!

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