After 23 years working for the same company, 15 of them on staff as a copywriter, I have been made redundant. I won't bore you with the whys and wherefores, the ins and outs, the tears and souvenirs of it all. It's not in my interest to talk about it and I doubt it'd be of interest to you. The fact is, I'm redundant...
Or am I?
It's a weird word, redundant. What does it really mean... and does it really mean me?
Let's ask the dictionary for a few definitions...
1. surplus to requirements; unnecessary or superfluous
Am I surplus to requirements? My former employers obviously think so. Others might (and hopefully will) disagree. I can't see anything wrong in being superfluous - you're one half super, to start with it. I'd always rather be 50% super than 60% shite.
2. verbose or tautological
I'll happily admit to the former - if you've ever read this blog, I can't really deny it. As to the latter, the secondary point, the issue of tautology described within... never.
3. deprived of one's job because it is no longer necessary for efficient operation: he has been made redundant
That would seem apparent.
4. being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural: a redundant part.
You mean... like a mutant? Cool!
(Oh, stop being such a whinger, Cyclops. So you lost your job - big deal! Man up!)
5. characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas; prolix: a redundant style.
Didn't we cover this already?
6. having some unusual or extra part or feature.
You mean, like six fingers or a vestigial tail? Again: cool. Can I have angel wings too?
But wait, let's look at the Latin derivation...
7. from Latin redundans - overflowing, from redundāre - to run back, stream over
Right at this moment, of all the definitions on offer, this is the one which feels most appropriate. Overflowing, streaming over... unable to contain my joy.
Yes, joy.
The truth is, I'm looking on this as, potentially, one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to me. The possibilities are endless, and I fully intend to seize every one of them by the throat or the balls or any other soft and vulnerable part within easy reach. The future's so bright... know the rest.
(Only the 80s could give us a video like that. I do feel bad for the donkey though.)