Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Separated At Birth?

One of Louise's friends told her I look like Bruno Mars.

Now I'm a 39 year old indie rock nerd, I'll admit it: I had to google Bruno Mars. I don't think I'd have recognised him if I'd tripped over him in the street. However, if I had tripped over him in the street, I seriously doubt that my first thought would have been, "Oh my god - I just stumbled on my own doppelganger!"

You may not be familiar with Bruno Mars either (or alternatively, you might actually be down with da kids... in which case, what the heck are you doing reading this blog?) so I produced the handy photo comparison above to help you make up your own mind. Yes, that's correct, I'm the one on the right.

I'm not sure... but the way I look at it, there appears to be one significant difference between Mr. Mars and myself (beyond the obvious fact that he's young and good-looking). Yes, he has a much better quiff than me. I am Jack's jealous spleen.

When I was in high school - this was pre-quiff days, back when I had a nice side-parting (sorry, all photos were destroyed after the court case) - people used to tell me I looked like Adam Carrington from Dynasty.

I had certain problems with this comparison too. Adam Carrington was a good 20 years older than me at the time and had smouldering soap star looks. I was 17, overweight, with acne. Also: I wasn't a complete knob. Well, I didn't think so anyway. My classmates may have disagreed...

The only lookalikey comparison I've ever been remotely flattered by was when someone once told me I reminded them of David Boringass, aka Angel from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. However, the individual in question was very drunk at the time and when I reminded them of said remark several days later, once they'd sobered up, they wouldn't stop laughing for a whole minute. At which point they swore off alcohol forever.

Which famous people could you pass for in a darkened room? Have you ever thought of signing up for a lookalike agency? What's the most flattering - or horrifying - comparison you've ever heard? Do tell...

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