For far too many years, the view out my office window looked like this...
Now I'm the Word Wrestler, I'm working from home, and the view from my office window looks like this...
That's what I call an improvement!
Not only that, I've just moved my office from the attic to the box room / 3rd bedroom. While the attic satisfied my "lonely writer in his draughty garret" fantasies, it didn't quite have the view and often felt a little isolating. My new office feels both more professional and far more inspiring... the words are already beginning to flow!
I questioned whether anyone would be interested in seeing my new office... but then I realised that if I were reading your blog, and you did a feature on the room where you write... I'd be fascinated. But unless you put your house on the market and I pretend to be a prospective buyer just for the sake of coming round for a nosy, I'm probably unlikely to ever see it. Unless you fancy responding with a post of your own...
Here's the view from the opposite side of the room. Yes, I have a lot of books. That should hardly come as a surprise. In case you're wondering, the comics are still up in the attic. Yes - that's my new Comic Room!
(If Louise is reading this, I'm joking. Really. Don't hit me. Please. Not again.)