They've got the same title - but they're completely different songs.
My new Sunday blog feature pits them against each other... and you get to vote on the winner.
This week... which is your favourite 'Drive' song?
Who's gonna drive you home tonight?
(From 'The Cars - Greatest Hits'.)
Hey kids - rock 'n' roll!
(From 'Automatic For The People'.)
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes
(From 'Monuments And Melodies'.)
We should be racing from this murder scene
Like jets that cross the sky
Leaving our trails to fade and die
(From 'Night on Earth'.)
Daddy let me drive
(From 'Drive'.)
Go to sleep, my brothers
I'm alright to drive
You have till Friday to cast your vote - I'll reveal the results next Sunday.