Director: Steven Quale
Cast: Nicholas D'Agosto, Emma Bell, Miles Fisher, Ellen Wroe, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, P.J. Byrne, Arlen Escarpeta, David Koechner, Courtney B. Vance, Tony Todd
MPAA: Rated R for strong violent/gruesome accidents, and some language
A group of co-workers are on their trip to a company retreat. When their bus is crossing the North Bay suspension bridge, one of the team member, Sam (Nicholas D'Agosto), gets a premonition that the bridge will collapse and kill everybody on it, including all them in the bus. So in a panic , Sam gets off the bus, taking her girlfriend (Emma Bell) with him, followed by several other co-workers, and runs into safety. And the bridge does collapse! Sounds familiar? Yes, because they did it five times already. And you know the rest very well, as one by one of the survivors will finally meet his or her death in other not less horrifying ways. You can postpone death but you can't cheat death.
I waited for the big accident to happen in the beginning of the movie and I must say that the bridge collapsing scene was pictured pretty well (this was always the most fun part to watch in every movie of this series, to see how the accident actually happened). But this scene was also seemed to be the only scene that I really enjoyed in this fifth installment, while the rests (the one by one death scenes) were becoming too formulaic and routine for me. Some of the death scenes were pretty hard to watch though, such as the eye lasik scene and the Chinese acupuncture scene, which gave me a complete eerie and uneasy feeling on my seat while watching them.
You may have a different feeling if this is the first time or the second time you watch this series (where the movie idea may still look fresh) than if you have watched them five straight times, like I did (they got me everytime, didn't they? but what can I say, I am a horror movie fan). Nothing's really new or creative, just the different ways to kill the characters, and you know all of them should die at the end. Watching a movie with the same old script over and over again will become tiresome eventually, and that was exactly how I felt. This movie tried to give some interesting twist at the end though, which was a good thing. But in overall, this series has reached its fatique point. Anyway, you should know what you expect when watching this movie. (MJ)