Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Going South (4): Lulworth Cove & Durdle Door

The best weather we had during our visit to Dorset came on the day of our visit to Lulworth Cove, a stunning horseshoe cove backed by white chalk cliffs. Sitting there on the beach, watching the waves lap on the shore and the pesky seagulls bobbing on the water, we experienced a moment of rare tranquility. (Well, rare for me and Louise.) Next time I'm faced with one of those relaxation exercises involving visualisation, this is the place I will picture.

Just a few minute's drive up the coast (or one heck of a hike if you've brought the right shoes) we found another famous Dorset landmark.

Durdle Door is a naturally formed limestone archway through which the sea crashes daily. I know bugger all about geology, but I do know that Durdle Door was the location for the video shoot of 'Shout' by Tears For Fears. I wore my bright red socks, rolled up above the top of my boots, in tribute to Roland and Curt.

You might also recognise it from the videos to Tears Of The Dragon by Bruce Dickinson and Savior's Day by Cliff Richard. Truly a location frequented by both God and The Antichrist. Louise and I fit in perfectly.

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