Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


MyRating: YYYY

Director: Will Gluck

Cast: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Patricia Clarkson, Jenna Elfman, Bryan Greenberg , Richard Jenkins, Woody Harrelson

MPAA: Rated R for some violent content and brief sexuality

Romantic comedy is a genre that is so easy to be loved or to be hated. As cliché as it might be, as usually a romantic love story is actually a cliché, but with the right portion and formula, some romcom may become a gem, especially if you can blend the perfect cast with the sweet and smart storytelling. However, if you mix it the wrong way, then you may get trash instead. And each year, there are so many other romcom that fall safety just in between, to be forgotten as sour and mediocre romantic comedies. I might not call Friends With Benefits as a gem, but this movie surely falls into the first category of a perfect blend of lovely cast and clever storytelling, which resulting into a love potion that is sweet enough to make you fall in love.
Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis were a delight to watch as their screen appearances sparkled in this R-rated romantic comedy about two opposite sex people, who find the pleasure of turning their physical attractions towards each other into physical satisfactions. To become a sex friend that may benefit one another without any commitment involved.

Dylan (Timberlake) has to move from Los Angeles to New York City after being convinced by an Executive Head Hunter, Jamie (Kunis), to accept a new job with GQ magazine. As he starts his new life in The Big Apple and not knowing anyone else in the new place, Dylan spends a lot of time with Jamie, who introduces him to many fun sides of the city. As they develop a frienship, they quickly discover that they are attracted with each other physically and come into an agreement to have mutual sex, but both also agree to put aside all emotional romanticisms that may complicate their relationship. But as their sexual adventure slowly binds them emotionally, the complication and the commitment that they avoid at the beginning finally catch them unguard. The only thing now is whether they have to trust their feelings, or to deny them.

Will Gluck again delivered us another romantic comedy to be talked and cherished about, after last year turning Emma Stone into a 'pretending' bitch and becoming the talk of her campus in Easy A (2010), the movie that also turned Stone to become a new hot commodity in Hollywood. I think this young director has a good touch and know how to direct a good romcom. With the smart screenplay (also co-written by Gluck), he was able to turn this flick into a very enjoyable movie.

Now, the true stars of this movie were the two main cast. Justin Timberlake, even though he will always have that 'boyband' or 'singer turned-into actor' image, he played his part quite well as the lead actor. Yes, he could have played some of his scenes better (and I think he sang a bit too much in this movie), but he surely has his own charms. And what can I say about Mila Kunis. She was hot. Her stunning and exotic beauty has stolen my heart. She has stolen many people's hearts. She has that natural talent to become a great actress, and I believe she will. Her appearance in this movie was just overflowing the screen with her charming and lovable personality, with a combination of headstrong and sassy character. And her acting was great, as lively as her big beautiful eyes. She may be the one who made this movie extra fun to watch.

The chemistry between Timberlake and Kunis was shining like a diamond in the sky. They just look so perfect together on screen. You may expect a lot of kissing and hugging and cuddling, and seeing both of them under the bed sheet. And there were plenty enough, believe me. The scene where they were dancing with the crowds, even though not original, was a good one. And I liked when they put another one near the end of the movie at the Grand Central Station, it just like a confirmation of love.

Besides the main characters that made us care about them, the supporting characters were also interesting to watch, such as Patricia Clarkson as a mom who has a very moderate mind towards sex, with her silly and comical character, and Woody Harrelson as a classy gay co-worker who owns a boat. The relationship between Timberlake and his father who suffered Alzheimer's disease, played by Richard Jenkins, was also heartwarming and emotionally touching at times. Again, all thanks to the well written script that cleverly catched the important moments and gave this movie a satisfying ending. Also watch for Emma Stone as the cameo in the beginning of the movie. This is a very romantic movie. Funny, sweet and well... romantic. A perfect date movie with your love one. (MJ)


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