Senin, 09 April 2012

Louise Went To New York And All She Brought Me Back Was This Lousy T-Shirt...

...although obviously, since The Big Lebowski is my all-time favourite movie, this is pretty much the Best. Present. Ever.

Yes, Louise went to NYC without me. Her friend won First Class tickets and invited Louise along... although the airline did their best to muck them about and not actually give them First Class... just "the First Class Experience". Which turned out to be not quite the same. Still, free flights to the city that never sleeps... home of Peter Parker, Andy Sipowicz, Bruce Springsteen (yes, I know that's Jersey, but that's where they flew to) and so many more of my heroes. The Dude himself abides in Los Ang-eles County, as I'm sure you're all aware... but he does have a presence in the Big Apple, thanks to this little store Lou and her friend stumbled across down in Greenwich Village.

How cool is that?

And this T-shirt really ties my wardrobe together.

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