Rabu, 25 April 2012

Top Ten Countdown Songs

So - I've got my spaceship, I'm ready to leave earth behind... this is my countdown to lift off.

10. The Tempos - Countdown, Here I Come

Just like a guided missile
My love is heading for you, baby
Like a dog when he hears a whistle
My love is heading for you, baby

They don't write 'em like this anymore. A genuine Northern Soul classic.

9. Weezer - Blast Off!

Jumping the gun rather at number 8, Weezer are already igniting their thrusters. Not sure this is the official video, but it features a robot playing keyboards with tumble-dryer pipe arms, so that's good enough for me.

8. The Black Keys - Countdown

The Black Keys can be forgiven for counting UP rather than down because this track rocks so very much. So very much, I doubt our astronauts would want to leave the launch pad.

7. The Dandy Warhols - Mission Control

From 'Earth To The Dandy Warhols'... naturally.

6. Adam Ant - Apollo 9

This almost made it onto last week's list of Spaceship Songs, but fits here just as well as it begins with a funky countdown.

We will be fine
Apollo 9
Even though
NASA say
We out of line

5. Jupiter One - Countdown

A band I know very little about other than that they countdown to a tight sound.

4. Manfred Mann - 5 4 3 2 1

Paul Jones plays a mean harmonica.

3. Europe - The Final Countdown


2. Pulp - Countdown

A song about sitting on the launch pad, waiting for your life to lift off. We've all been there... some of us still are.

The time, of my life,
oh I think you came too soon,
Yeah you came too soon then,
Oh and it could, it could be tonight,
if I ever leave this room,
(I never leave this room no)
Oh I wasted all my time on all those stupid things that only get me down,
Get down, oh.

1. David Bowie - Space Oddity

Take your protein pills
And put your helmet on...

We've got a long journey ahead of us into musical space... I doubt this is the last we'll hear of Mr. Bowie.

Got a favourite countdown song? Share it with the class.

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