My musical exploration of space continues.
You may be wondering how I'm planning on getting up into the stars? Here's ten modes of interstellar transportation I considered...
10. The Rezillos - Flying Saucer Attack
Laser beams and gamma projectors
There'll be nothing on earth to protect us
When they arrive out of the sky
They'll be frying us alive
I think I'll wait for the next bus.
9. Def Leppard - Rocket
Oh, come on, you know you don't mean that. It's only Def Leppard. Calm down. Who wouldn't want to go into space with poodle-rockers from Sheffield and a one-armed drummer?
8. Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
They started out as a Jefferson Airplane, but that wasn't going to be Slick enough to get them into space. Becoming a Starship rocketed them to the top of the charts.
Heh. DJ puns. They could have been my life.
7. The Wedding Present - Flying Saucer
Dave Gedge has been collecting rusty old spacecraft for years. He also has a Rocket (though sadly you can't hear that on youtube).
6. Suicide - Rocket USA
If flying saucers ever did invade earth, this would be the perfect song to accompany their otherworldly attack. Deeply unsettling, even though it's actually got very little to do with space travel.
5. Peter Parker - Swallow The Rockets
The name of this band is Peter Parker. 'Nuff said.
If I had to go into space, I'd want Peter Parker as my co-pilot. Obviously.
4. Julian Cope - Spacehopper
Julian Cope may well be singing about the orange children's toy with hang-on ears... but I like to picture him riding through space on said item. Kind of like the Silver Surfer... but cooler.
3. Billy Bragg - My Flying Saucer
Care of Woody Guthrie, a sad little song about getting deserted by the mothership. Just like ET. Billy Bragg phone home.
2. Elbow - Lippy Kids
The "title" track from 'Build A Rocket, Boys!'
1. The Kinks - Supersonic Rocket Ship
On my supersonic rocket ship
Nobody has to be hip
Nobody needs to be out of sight. Out of sight.
Nobody's gonna travel second class
There'll be equality
And no suppression of minorities. Well alright.
We'll take this planet, shake it round
And turn it upside down.
My supersonic rocket ship.
Ray Davies: astronaut of pop genius.
So, that's my transportation sorted. If you had to go into space on a musical ship... which would you choose?