Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

The Dark Side Meme

Via Sunday Stealing...

1. You’re building your dream house. What’s the one thing that this house absolutely, positively MUST HAVE? (other than the obvious basics of course)

A library.

2. What is your dream car?

It's more of a nightmare...

3. What is your favourite website that isn’t a blog?


4. iPhone 4 or Droid, which do you want?

What, an actual droid? Like R2?

Whatever, I don't want an iPhone, even if Steve Jobs is giving them away. iTunes is bad enough.

5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up?

Read comics, listen to music, and torture small children.

6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate.

Judging from the internet, that would probably be Amazing Spider-Man post-BND. Still, the sensible among you are starting to come round...

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't want to grow up.

8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance?

Not unless they gave me a gun with 100 Bullets.

9. Who was your favourite teacher when you were growing up?

Junior School - Miss Howard

High School - Mr. Shaw

10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do?

Rob a well-stocked bank.

11. What were you doing 10 years ago?

Same as I'm doing now. Unfortunately.

12. By this time next year, I...

...will hopefully be doing something different.

13. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing?

Yeah, why not? She can't be any more corrupt than the last few male ones. Unless she's Allison Taylor from 24. Or another Maggie...

14. Which fictional TV show character you would shag anytime?


15. What is your greatest pet peeve?

Too broad a subject to narrow down to just one.

16 and 17 I've answered in previous memes, so let's make up my own?

16. Who was your favourite Doctor?

Tom Baker... though give Matt Smith another couple of years and I might have to change my answer. Always had a soft spot for Peter Davison too.

17. What's your favourite Madonna song?

Like A Prayer.


18. Do you have a nickname? What is it?

"Oy, Fuck Face!"

19. What are you dreading at the moment?

A potential spine operation.

20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers?

People will judge me whatever I do.

21. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship.

It's a looooong time ago... but "different needs". I needed her, she needed her ex.

22. What were you doing this morning at 8am?

Sitting at this computer screen.

23. Do you have any famous relatives?

No. If I did, I'd be tapping them up for money.

24. How many different beverages have you drank today?

One cup of green tea and lots of water.

25. What is something you are excited about?


26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group?

How large? I spoke in front of a smallish group of works experience types earlier this week. It's a while since I addressed a larger group, but I never have a problem with public speaking.

27. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

"Shit. You again?"

28. What were you doing at midnight last night?


29. What’s a word you say a lot?


30. Who is your worst enemy?

Agents, commissioning editors and Dr. Octopus.

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