Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Woke Up Screaming

I woke up screaming last night. Have you ever done that? I guess I must have been having some kind of nightmare, but I have no memory of it, not even a lingering sketch. All I do remember is lying there on my back, a screaming moan in my chest, repeating three times until I finally forced myself awake. I was aware I was asleep, aware I was screaming, but for a few terrifying seconds there was nothing I could do to stop it. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't. It was awful. Still, perfectly understandable, I suppose. Yesterday was my first day back at work after my holiday. That's enough to make anybody scream.

It freaks me out sometimes the things you do when you're asleep. I've never sleepwalked (that I remember), but I do recall one time we were on holiday, staying in a little cottage in Cornwall, and I woke in the morning to find the pillow missing from my bed. It was over by the door, wedged underneath as though I'd been trying to stop poison gas getting in or something.

What's the weirdest thing you've done in your sleep? Come on, make me feel a little better at least...

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