Director: Lee Unkrich
Voice: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Ned Beatty, Don Rickles, Michael Keaton, Wallace Shawn, John Morris
You know you will have fun when you decide to watch a PIXAR's movie. PIXAR's movies always have great and wonderful stories, like no other studios did. Not DreamWorks (Shrek series), nor Blue Sky (Ice Age series). And PIXAR's animated graphic is the most sophisticated and beautiful of them all. Seems that PIXAR is never short of brilliant writers and creative hands (and innovative brains). PIXAR's movies also always have good messages to convey about life, and they always touch you in the heart with a strange way, again and again, leave you with a heartwarming feeling, inspiration and hopes. And all those aspects are the keys that (always) make a PIXAR's movie a WINNER!
This third installment of Toy Story has become a winner before it was even being released. The fans welcomed it with joys when the filmmaker announced to make the third movie (after the first Toy Story/the first PIXAR's movie in 1995 and Toy Story 2 in 1999). They put a very high hope in the movie and many have predicted it will win the Oscar for Best Animated Film next year (again when before the film was even being released). However, those all hopes are not without reasons. I have given you all the reasons above and in my previous article about PIXAR. A PIXAR's movie always delivers... and it never disappoints.
Woody (Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Allen) and the gang are back with their charms. Andy has grown up and now is about to go to college, and he has to leave his toys behind. When he decides on which toys to be brought with him to college and which toys to be left behind in his house's attic, the toys are somehow accidentally being dumped, and they finally end up in a children daycare center. Imagining that they will be played again with loves by children, gives the toys new hopes. They think that being dumped by Andy is not that bad at all. But the hopes quickly turn into horrors when they are being played with extreme brutality by the toddlers. To make things worse, they have to suffer from the cruel treatments by the toys' ruler in their new place, Lotso (the teddy bear) and his henchmen. When the pains are becoming too much to handle, the toys decide that they have to band together, escape the place, and find a way back to Andy's home. Their home.
This is a great come back by the toys. The movie is fun and enjoyable. The kids will definitely love this movie, so will the adults. People who have fallen in love with Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Mr. Potato Head, Rex and other toys will find themselves falling in love with them all over again. And in this third movie, there are even more new toys. And PIXAR is an expert in creating lovable characters. The story itself was very good in continuing the stories of the first two movies. PIXAR never loses ideas to make a good story. The story moved fast from one scene to another, gave the film so much dynamic, as you have to catch with the agility of the toys and the story. And it has many funny moments to be cheered in the theater.
PIXAR never leaves the audiences without giving them a touching scene. There are two memorable scenes for me. The first one is when Bonnie, the little girl (a really lovable new character they created), plays with her toys in her bedroom with all her pure love and heart as a child. It made me remember myself when I was a child and how I played with my toys with the same love. Not only the little girl character hit the mark, but also how PIXAR personified her character hit the mark, as we all have been there as a child, therefore, we can exactly feel it. And I bet, when you were watching that scene, somewhere in your heart must have missed those moments when you were a child.
The second one was the most touching scene in the movie, when Andy has to leave for college and stop by Bonnie's house. That scene gave the biggest impact of the overall movie. Without that scene, the movie may not have left us the same feeling. I believe many people will cry (at least in their hearts) when watching that scene. It was so powerful... and clever. That's why people love PIXAR.
If just, I can turn back time and becoming a child again. I mean it. Even for one day, just to feel those feelings again. That was how powerful those two scenes impacted me. (MJ)