Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

While Everyone Else Was Watching The Football...

...we went for a walk in the woods.

Despite what I was saying yesterday about not having enough time for all the things I want to do... the older I get, the more important I feel it is to take time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

I've written before about how privileged I feel to live in such a beautiful part of the world, surrounding by so much sublime, awe-inspiring countryside. And on days like the one pictured in these photos, it's a crime not to get out there and enjoy that countryside.

Over the last couple of weeks we've been hooked on the BBC's Springwatch programme. Chris Packham, Kate Humble and Simon King are my new heroes. You can feel their enthusiasm and genuine emotion about wildlife - birds, animals, fish, plants, even insects and seaweed. It's infectious. (I'm also impressed by how Packham in particular seems to be on a one-man campaign to make geekery cool.)

So what are you doing wasting your time stuck inside reading this stoopid blog? If the sun's shining on your part of the world today, get out there and appreciate it!

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