Kamis, 09 September 2010

30 Songs - Day 16

Day 16 - A Song You Used To Love But Now Hate

Ah, the Beatles. You've got to love 'em, haven't you?

As mentioned previously, despite being a huge Lennon & McCartney fan in my youth, I burnt out on the Fab Four some years ago. It's the sheer damn ubiquity of them that gets me. And while there are still many Beatles songs I can hear without having to rush over and turn off the radio (generally post-Sgt. Pepper), there are some that send me into a Macca-stomping rage. Hello, Goodbye is the worst offender... though I can't explain why. It has that irritating singsong quality of McCartney at his chirpy-chappiest.

The curious thing is, I don't hold the same animosity towards Wings or solo McCartney. I can do without seeing his perma-grinned face gurning out of the TV at me, but I'd still sing along at the top of my voice to Jet, like Alan Partridge in his hotel room. But as Alan himself always says - "Wings - they're the band the Beatles could have been."


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