Can't believe I've been doing this meme since April and I've only just reached the halfway point! In case you missed any of the previous days (how could you live with yourself?)...
Day 1 - My Favourite Song
Day 2 - My Least Favourite Song
Day 3 - A Song That Makes Me Happy
Day 4 - A Song That Makes Me Sad
Day 5 - A Song That Reminds Me Of Someone
Day 6 - A Song That Reminds Me Of Somewhere
Day 7 - A Song That Reminds Me Of A Certain Event
Day 8 - A Song I Know All The Words To
Day 9 - A Song I Can Dance To
Day 10 - A Song That Makes Me Fall Asleep
Day 11 - A Song From My Favourite Band
Day 12 - A Song From A Band I Hate
Day 13 - a Song That's A Guilty Pleasure
Day 14 - A Song No One Would Expect Me To Love
All of which brings me to...
Day 15 - A Song That Describes You
Oh, the endless possibilities! Do I go for Theaudience's A Pessimist Is Never Disappointed (Sophie Ellis-Bextor when she was - she'll always be cool, even as a pop kid.)
Or how about Lloyd Cole's woeful Mr. Malcontent?
Starsailor's Poor, Misguided Fool?
Or Justin Currie's ode to misanthropy No, Surrender? (That comma is essential.)
No, let's try and be positive about myself for a change, eh? Just to surprise you all...