Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

30 Songs - Day 14

Day 14 - A Song No One Would Expect You To Love

As with the previous day's quest for my Guilty Pleasure song, I struggled to think of a song no one would expect me to love. Then I remembered a tune that's been kicking around in my head all week from Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip...

The duo first came to my notice with their hilarious and biting list-song Thou Shalt Always Kill, but though that track had its roots in rap and drum 'n' bass, its heart was all indie kid - hence its crossover success. Many of the other tracks on DLS Vs SP's debut album performed a similar balancing act, particularly Letter From God and Angles. However, the reviews suggested their follow-up record towed a much more dance-oriented line, so I had my doubts whether it'd appeal. But though there's nothing quite as strong as the three tracks mentioned above, there's much fun to be had with the rhymes and themes developed by natural storyteller Pip (plus he's got a great beard). I'll never be a fan of electronic beeps - I'd always prefer a guitar or piano ("proper instruments," says the fogey inside me) - but if the lyrics are good enough, I'll keep coming back for more.

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