Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Thoughtballoons - Jubilee

After many years of getting very annoyed with Chris Claremont's increasing need to overwrite every single word balloon, I finally gave up reading Uncanny X-Men in the late 80s (around the time scratchy old Mark Silvestri took over on art). I didn't pick the book up again until Grant Morrison jumped on board, and by then it was another century. As a result, I know very little about this week's Thoughtballoons character, Jubilee. As I understand it, she was created by Claremont and Jim Lee as a kind of mallrat Robin to Wolverine's Batman and she had some kind of exploding firework powers which she's subsequently lost but will probably end up getting back once she's finished being a vampire or whatever.

You can tell I don't really care, can't you?

Still, that didn't stop me writing my own 2 panel Jubilee script... my first Thoughtballoons What If? Well, I like it even if nobody else does...

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