This week's Thoughtballoons character is our first to exist outside the Marvel or DC universes, the star of a new film by Shaun Of The Dead's Edgar Wright (not yet released in the UK so I can't give you my review - but the trailer looks ace), Scott Pilgrim. I've only read the first of Bryan Lee O'Malley's seven Scott Pilgrim books but it's a great concept, mixing slice-of-life indie bedsit angst with OTT comic book, Manga and video game action. As you probably know, the premise is that Scott meets a cool new girl who may be the answer to his dreams... but before they can live happily ever after he has to fight her 7 evil exes. It's the sort of book you hear about and think, "I can't believe nobody's ever done that before" - and such ideas are few and far between in the world of comics... or anywhere else for that matter.
For my own shot at Scott Pilgrim, I went with the obvious crossover (or should that be X-over?) gag. It's the sort of idea that made me think, "I can't believe nobody's ever done that either"... though I'm scared to scour the internet because knowing my luck somebody probably already has. Here it is. I make no apologies.