My favourite British female singer songwriter is, and has been for a good many years now, Thea Gilmore. She writes smart, incisive lyrics and sings like an angel. She's something of a critical darling, the music press all seem aware of her greatness, yet sadly this has yet to be communicated to the great unwashed. Largely this is because Thea isn't on a major label - and doesn't want to be on a major label. She prefers the creative freedom of being an independent, even though this means she often struggles to get her music played on the radio. Every now and then though the radio takes notice - as it has of her new single, cunningly titled You're The Radio. (A hint to all songwriters - radio is an entirely onanistic industry. It loves to play records about itself.)
So You're The Radio has been A-listed by the UK's biggest national radio station, Radio 2. Having cracked that, Thea's set her sights firmly on the Top 40. But she needs our help. The single is out now and can be downloaded from Amazon for a very modest 79p. So take a listen to the video below, and if you like what you hear... give Thea your support. It's about time we had something worth listening to in the charts again... god, I sound old.