Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

SALT (2010)

MyRating: YYYY1/2
Director: Phillip Noyce
Cast: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Daniel Olbrychski, August Diehl
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action

Angelina Jolie rocked in this fully packed actions and breathtakingly entertaining movie about Evelyn Salt, a top CIA agent, who is suddenly being accused as a Russian KGB spy. Not only that, she is also accused of planning a grand scheme to assasinate the Russian President during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the deceased U.S. Vice President. Being detained by the U.S. Counterintelligence to clarify her situation, Salt concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, so in split seconds, Salt decides to escape and run away. And soon, she becomes the number one target of the chase by the U.S. Counterintelligence, lead by Peabody (Ejiofor). And Salt's action to run, and what she does after that, has increased the suspicions that she is indeed a Russian spy. Only Salt's boss, Ted Winter (Schreiber), who seems to be the only one that believes she is not a mole. But, does she or does she not?

Jolie was absolutely 100% perfect choice for the main role as Salt. She has the posture. She has the charisma. She has the looks. She has 'the X-factor' that makes Salt becoming a great heroine character. Besides that, she also has the physical vitality and fitness, confidence, and a good acting capacity, that can lure you even by a side glance of the look in her eyes. With all those qualities in her, Jolie successfully created a solid character for Salt, that everybody will definitely fall in love with. Salt (and Jolie) possesses the beauty and the brain of a woman that men love (and other women admire), not only that, she was also cool, adept, fast, quick thinking in panic situations, and most of all, she kicked ass. Jolie really fitted in the character, as if she was Salt herself in the real life. Having said all that, I don't think that any other actresses nowadays could play this character as good as Angelina Jolie. Even if there is another actress playing Salt, she will be another Salt, not this Salt that we love.

The story itself was engaging with interesting intriques and fast paced non-stop actions from the beginning till the end, gave you almost no time to hold your breath at your seat. Phillip Noyce did an outstanding job in directing this movie. The actions were top-notch and the fighting sequences were great. You will see Jolie fighting furiously against many men in close combats, running and jumping around (including jumping from a flyover to a truck), speeding a motorbike, battering down the enemy's lair and finishing-off the bad guys. And in her free times, she run.

Tom Cruise was offered to play Salt at the beginning, but he refused to play the character since he prefered to take the project of Knight and Days with Cameron Diaz, which was actually quite a good movie itself. I can imagine Cruise playing the male version of Salt though, and I believe he could make this character works as well, with his own style. But, the history has stated that not Tom Cruise who played Salt, but Angelina Jolie. And I am happy that she did. It is just not easy for an actress to play a solid and memorable heroine, whom everybody loves and cherishes. But Jolie took this job and played it well done. I believe there will be a sequel. There should be a sequel! One is not enough. I want to see more of Salt and Angelina Jolie, and I believe other people do too.

So when talking of Salt as a great action movie, maybe we are talking about Jolie who was awesome as Salt. But it doesn't matter, because they are one. Jolie is Salt. (MJ)

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