Day 17 - A Song You Hear Often On The Radio
I don't listen to the radio much. Apart from Mark Radcliffe. And Alex Lester when I can't sleep. Some of you will know why, but it's not something I can discuss here. For the time being.
Many people are critical of local radio stations that only seem to have three songs on their playlist at any one time. One of those three, at the moment, would appear to be this relatively harmless little ditty...
I don't dislike Katy Perry. Every generation needs a decent out-and-out popstar, and she's far less annoying than Lady Gaga. She's sexy in a very obvious and plastic way and does appear to work hard doing what she does. Snoop Dogg is also someone I have a lot of time for. He was great in Monk.
The only problem I have with Katy Perry is her choice in men. There hasn't yet been a deep enough hole dug to cast Russell Brand into for all eternity... but my spade continues to dig.
That said, I still prefer the Beach Boys version.