Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

30 Songs - Day 10

Day 10 - A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

Back in my early 20s, I went through the worst bout of insomnia I've ever suffered. I was working nights at the time, getting home at about 3am, then catching maybe a couple of hours sleep (if I was lucky) before dawn jolted me awake. This went on night after night for weeks on end. I went to the doctors, I chewed sleeping tablets like Opal Fruits, I did strange relaxation exercises involving lots of ommmmmms... nothing had any effect.

Then one night I put on Hats by the Blue Nile. It was, and probably still is, the most chilled-out record in my collection. I defy you to put this record on late at night and try to stay awake beyond this... the first...


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