Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Thoughtballoons - Aquaman

This week's Thoughtballoons character is Aquaman. Yes, the guy who talks to the fishies. I feel bad for Aquaman. Nobody knows what to do with him anymore. They're always killing him off and resurrecting him for cheap drama with some ludicrous new power of something, the latest example of which is just one more cynically death-obsessed reason why I don't read DC superhero comics any more. So this story isn't so much a dig at Aquaman, but a dig at all the people who've dissed him over the years... and all the writers who can't think of anything interesting to do with our undersea champion (myself included).

Read my Aquaman story here. Then check out the other guy's 1-pagers... they've treated the King of the Seas with a little more dignity.

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