Senin, 12 Juli 2010


Some days you just wonder why you bother. The whole world seems against you and there's no point fighting it. Things you'd normally laugh off, or at least banish from your mind as inconsequential, rise up to become insurmountable. All effort seems pointless. You feel like you've wasted your life and it's too late to do anything about it. You feel old and worthless and tired, and you'd welcome armageddon as a relief. You stare blankly at the computer screen and know that nothing you type will ever make any difference to anybody. The flashing cursor is taunting you. None of your usual distractions bring any pleasure or relief. You want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers up over your head, and wish the world away.

What do you do, when you're in a funk? Do you have a guaranteed get-out-of-misery card to play whenever the tsunami of existential ennui crashes over you? Go on, clue me in. How do you get through to tomorrow?

I could do with a laugh.

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