Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Simon King's Wild Life

Wildlife photographer and TV presenter Simon King has led a very fortunate life. He's done what many of us aspire to - he's lived his dream. Simon's specific dream has always been to study and observe and get as close to the natural world as possible, and he's pursued that goal with a single-minded determination that is admirable. It's true that part of Simon's success is down to knowing the right people - he makes no bones about the fact that his father worked for the BBC and introduced him to many of the contacts that helped forward his career. But I don't think that's the only reason for his success. His talent, dedication, hard work and genuine passion for nature is evident in everything he does.

It's not as though he hasn't had to make sacrifices for his work too. While much of this book involves the thrills and spills of wildlife photography - from being swarmed by killer bees to almost losing a finger to a panicking otter to being attacked by a rabid cheetah and having fire ants bite into your manhood - King also talks movingly about the death of his dad and the end of his first marriage - a clear choice between being a stay-at-home family man and a full time nature-chaser.

"I was one of the luckiest men alive, still am. I reasoned that life would always throw up challenges, and compromises would always have to be made. As long as I was still able to feel the wind on my face and get pleasure from it, I would try to juggle the loves of my life so that none suffered from too great a neglect."

Reading Wild Life, I felt a degree of envy for the life Simon King has led. But not for the sacrifices he's made. As exciting an idea as living amongst lions, elephants or albatross might be, I wouldn't want to give up my home comforts to do it. I'm glad there are people like King who are obsessed with wildlife to such an extent - and that they're happy to share their obsession with us.

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