Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Outcastes - The Twist

There's a twist in the latest issue of Tony McGee's superior small press comic Outcastes. It's the kind of twist that had me rummaging through my back issues looking for clues as to what's coming next, but also the kind of twist that - though I didn't see it coming at all - in retrospect seems blindingly obvious. The very best kind of twist then.

Now approaching its third act, Tony is beginning to tie together seemingly unconnected threads from the book's earlier stories into what promises to be an exciting and continually surprising finale. Though I'm in no rush to see it end, I am intrigued to know the answers to the questions that have plagued us from the start - and the questions I'm only now beginning to ask, but I really should have been asking earlier.

Outcastes #8 will probably be a confusing place to start for new readers, which is why I recommend you go right back to the beginning. You can read the whole of the first issue for free by clicking here then start collecting the back issues from on Tony's own site. Us Outcastes, we've got to stick together...

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