So my car insurance renewal letter arrives. As usual, it's gone up massively from what I paid last year for no reason whatsoever. So I'm straight online to find a cheaper quote... which I do, within minutes.
I then have to call up the old insurance company and tell them I'm not renewing.
"Oh... sorry to hear that... can I ask why?"
"Because I found a much cheaper quote elsewhere."
"Oh, so it's purely a cost decision? If we could reduce your quote, might you consider staying with us?"
"I doubt you'll reduce it by fifty quid."
"Oh... perhaps not... we could probably come down by thirty or forty..."
The thing is, if my renewal had come through £40 less and I'd gone online to find I could only save a tenner, I probably would have stayed with them. But now they've quoted my £40 more than they actually need to just because they're greedy, that boat has sailed.
And yet, this happens every single year. There must be enough people out there who just automatically renew their insurance, whatever the quote, to make it worthwhile for the robbing bastards to carry on like this. And the best of it is, they actually sound hurt when you tell them you're cancelling.